Tips to Clean that House FAST!

cleaningKeeping up with the house can be, no pun intended, a real chore. Between work, family, the yard, and then trying to have some kind of social life it’s not hard to get behind on the tidying up. So here are some good tips to make the job a little easier!

Put on some music.
Having some music to distract your mind and lift your mood never hurts to help make the time go by!

Go in circles.
Seems counter intuitive at first but if you start at the furthest corner of the house and work your way in you can maximize your time. This is especially true for vacuuming.

Garbage first.
Go through and empty and garbage first. Carry a bag or bin room to room and do a quick pickup of obvious trash. Having a clear floor to start will make the whole thing easier and garbage bins will be empty for any new trash you need to dispose of in the process.

Clean top down.Back-to-front.
It really just makes sense. Start high, finish low. By doing this you can more easily get any dust or grime down on the floor before doing a final sweep or vacuum.

Clean as you go.
You don’t have to make cleaning just a weekend thing. In fact, if you take care of smaller messes during the week as you notice them you will have less to do all at once; can spend that extra time actually relaxing on the weekend!

Working a little double duty into the routine can make it less of a rut. Fold clothes while you watch tv, unload the dishwasher while a commercial is on. Just find little ways to work cleaning into your time and you will be surprised at how much you actually get done.

Put things in their place.
A place for everything and everything in it’s place, right? When you use something, be sure to put it right back when you’re done. Whether it’s a remote or a screw driver, putting things where they are suppose to be helps keep things de-cluttered and keeps you from having to put them back later when you are already in full clean mode.

It’s a hassle, sure, but until you train the kids to be butlers or hire a live-in-maid you can at least make it as little of a production as possible. I hope these home cleaning tips have been of some help! I strive to do more than just get my clients into or out of a home – I want to be a resource for them long after the deal has closed. If there is ever anything I can do to help you don’t hesitate to ask!